Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Have Decide

There is something I have decided.  What is it? you may ask.   
I have decided to talk.

What I mean by that is I have decided to write like I am talking.  I have this wonderful gift of gab.  This gift of gab makes my children roll their eyes, it makes my husband say "There she goes again!"  It has gotten me in trouble with one employer and it has made another employer tell me that I am "great at connecting with others."  So... I am going to talk through this blog...

I hope some of the things will help and inspire you, which is why I think I have this gift in the first place... You see, I have a lot to talk about,  lot's of stories. Talking energizes me..I feed off it.  It helps me learn things about myself and about others.  It helps me feel connected.

I hope this blog will inspire you in whatever direction your life is taking you!
To talking!

Elizabeth :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Is is that simple?

So I was having lunch with a very dear friend of mine the other day and it was brought to my attention I use a certain phrase a lot.  Which is "I don't know." So I decided that when I am having a conversation especially about clarity in one's life I will see if what she said is true.  Guess what it is. 

So I have decided to replace "I don't know" with "I will figure it out."  I truly believe this will make a profound change in my life and in the direction I am striving for each and every day.

I do believe words are powerful.  So I am excited to see if it is that simple.  If this has been a road block and in some why preventing me reaching my full potential. 

I am will get back to you on the results this action.

Until then remember to smile. 

Elizabeth :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Giving Thanks

Found this awesome comparison between trees, life, and thriving in this book I am reading.  I love it so much I wanted to share. It is so profound at least to me.  Here it goes.

Trees are believers in life.
A tree comes into life with all of its genes and every fiber of its being literally geared to growth, to expansion, ton sharing all that is has with everything around it.
Trees create their own environment; 
they adapt, hang on, survive, don't give up.
When you move a tree out of the woods, it's natural environment, and transplant it in the cold world that we live in, they make do because that's the kind of being that they are.
Their roots will reach down and up and out.
When your're out there in the woods,
you haven't fully arrived, you're on the way,
you're becoming.

-Robert Hulett 

Wow.. I totally get this.  It is just beautiful.  Thank you Robert Hulett for sharing you thoughts to David McNally in The Eagle's Secret. 

I am grateful that this book has come across my path. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Great Grandmother

As I was sitting just letting my mind wander  Thoughts of my Great Grandmother passed through.  You see, I was recently informed that she passed away.

This is what I remember of her.  She was vibrant, she gave hearty hugs and she would say my name w/ an S sound instead of a Z.  :)

I think she might have been beautiful when she was younger.  I know that her mother did not speak a lick of English.  My last and final memory of her is actually quite inspiring.  She must have about 82 and she was still driving and you could see that fire. That spark.  I also remember that my grandmother said that she refused to move out of her house.

 My her soul rest in peace and the memories I have of her are all good.

Elizabeth :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Success Leaves Clues :)

I love that saying...It is something that I have been hearing in my head a lot lately.  Which I think is a good sign.  I have been going thur some of my old notes today.  Which for me  are like little affirmations that I have been working on a better me for some time now.  This is the one I found today.

Pain - To - Power Vocabulary - (sorry did not write where I picked this up at to give the appropriate  credit.)

Change :)

I can't.  /  I won't.
I should. /  I could.
It's not my fault. /  I am totally responsible.
I am never satisfied. /  I want to learn and grow.
Life's a struggle. /  Life is an adventure.
I hope. /  I know.
If only. /  Next Time.
What will I do? /  I know I know I can handle it.
It's terrible. /  It's a learning experience

Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.  Always work with it not against it. - Eckhart Tolle

Which is exactly what I am doing...I am on track. :) or you could say I am closer than I think.

Elizabeth :)

Love Random Thoughts

Random thought today while I was eating...Title of a book I will write.  Well now I do not remember, However I do know it will have to do with my time waiting tables and what I learned.  Like not every server is a teen mom with no baby daddy.  I have meet people who have a pilot license and use waiting tables has a back up for when there dream is in the valley not on the mountain. I am going to take on that attitude.  I only work three nights this schedule.  Let's see if I am up for the challenge of making my dreams a reality.

Elizabeth :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sooner than I think

I will be back Blogging very soon.  The good news is I haven't stopped writing and my insight has grown tremendously at least in my opinion.

Elizabeth :)