Saturday, November 10, 2012

Giving Thanks

Found this awesome comparison between trees, life, and thriving in this book I am reading.  I love it so much I wanted to share. It is so profound at least to me.  Here it goes.

Trees are believers in life.
A tree comes into life with all of its genes and every fiber of its being literally geared to growth, to expansion, ton sharing all that is has with everything around it.
Trees create their own environment; 
they adapt, hang on, survive, don't give up.
When you move a tree out of the woods, it's natural environment, and transplant it in the cold world that we live in, they make do because that's the kind of being that they are.
Their roots will reach down and up and out.
When your're out there in the woods,
you haven't fully arrived, you're on the way,
you're becoming.

-Robert Hulett 

Wow.. I totally get this.  It is just beautiful.  Thank you Robert Hulett for sharing you thoughts to David McNally in The Eagle's Secret. 

I am grateful that this book has come across my path. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Great Grandmother

As I was sitting just letting my mind wander  Thoughts of my Great Grandmother passed through.  You see, I was recently informed that she passed away.

This is what I remember of her.  She was vibrant, she gave hearty hugs and she would say my name w/ an S sound instead of a Z.  :)

I think she might have been beautiful when she was younger.  I know that her mother did not speak a lick of English.  My last and final memory of her is actually quite inspiring.  She must have about 82 and she was still driving and you could see that fire. That spark.  I also remember that my grandmother said that she refused to move out of her house.

 My her soul rest in peace and the memories I have of her are all good.

Elizabeth :)